Instructions for Contributors

The Ethnobotany is a half-yearly international journal which publishes research and review papers on all aspects of ethnobotany and related fields. All authors should be members of the Society. Annual members will be entitled to submit one paper in joint authorship of a life member only with year of their membership.

Manuscript in English, not exceeding 6 pages (including tables and references), typed in double space in ‘Times New Roman’ font (size 12 pt.) on one side of paper (21×28 cm) leaving 2.5 cms margin on all sides, should be submitted through mail.

Manuscripts for publication should be sent to the Managing Editor on:; Authors should also provide Hindi translation of the title of paper, author’s address and abstract in brief.

In the title of the article  only those words will have first letter as Capital which will ordinarily start with Capital letter in the text also, like names of ethnic groups, plant genera, names of authors, and other proper nouns, for example: Traditional herbal remedies among Tharus of Bahraich district.

Style: The title should be brief followed by name(s) of author(s), address and e- mail, an abstract (up to 150 words), and 4-6 keywords, Ethnobotanical, phytochemical, ethno-pharmacological and other data on plants must give proper reference of the voucher specimen, i.e. name, collector, number, locality, accession number and name of herbarium where specimens are deposited, Local names of plants and any words other than English (or the main language of the article) should be given in single inverted commas like ‘Shivlingi’, ‘Sarpgandha’, and ‘Mukhia’, ‘Pujari’. In enumerations, genera and species should be given in the alphabetical order.

Nomenclature of plants: Authors must check very carefully the nomenclature and authors of plant names in their papers. Authors are advised to compare names with the latest published literature/references on Ethnobotany (i.e. Dictionary of Indian Folkmedicine and Ethnobotany), taxonomic revisions, floras, and different plant data bases like: Tropicos, IPNI, Plant List and POWO, etc., to ensure updated nomenclature of the plants. Similarly, names of the author(s) of the plant names should be abbreviated as per the Brummitt and Powell (1992) or the guidelines provided by them.

Footnotes should be given by numbers running through the whole paper. Words desired to be printed in italics should be in italicized font only. For different units of measurements (distance, height/elevation, length/width, weight, etc.)  only metric system should be used.

The method of citation in text should be: Schultes (1960) reported, or …………… was reported (Schultes 1960). In case of two authors, it should be cited like Kapoor and Mitra (1987) or (Kapoor & Mitra 1987), and in case of more than two authors it should be Jain et al. (1994) or (Jain et al. 1994). Citations referred to in the manuscript should be listed alphabetically under References as below:

Journal: Schultes, R.E. 1979. Amazonia as a sources of new economic plants. Econ. Bot.33: 259-266.

Chapter in Book: Kapoor, S.L. & Mitra, R. 1987. Preparation of Scientific and Technical Papers, Reports and Popular Articles – Some guidelines. P. 144-167. In: Jain, S.K. (ed.) A Manual of Ethnobotany. Sci. Publ., Jodhpur.

Book: Dhawan, B.N. (ed.) 1986. Current Research on Medicinal Plants in India. I.N.S.A., New Delhi.

Simonds, N.W. 1976. Evolution of Crop Plants. Longman, London.

Illustrations:  All figures must be tagged with the text. Photographs should be submitted in high resolution JPG file, numbered in alphabets (A, B, C and so on) and neatly arranged in a composite plate. The line drawings should be provided in TIFF file of minimum 300 dpi resolution wherein again individual figures should be numbered in alphabets. Captions or legends for the illustrations should be provided at the end of the text (after Reference) and not below the figures, and should be serially numbered as Figure 1, Figure 2, and so on.

The journal will have few pages exclusively for Short Communications like brief accounts of new findings, some unique observations or discovery of new economic plants or use or note on rarity, depletion, conservation, agro-technique, phytochemical and biological findings, etc. (i.e. manuscripts up to 800 words). They will be given priority in publication.

Authors should ensure that their contributions do not violate copyright, IPR, Patent, CBD or any such regulation enforced/prescribed by government, their institution or any other such agency. Accordingly author(s) must declare (just before the References) that he/they has/have no conflict of interest.

Authors must submit a certificate of the prior consent obtained from the medicine men/ traditional healer etc. alongwith  the manuscript.

Acceptance of a paper will automatically transfer copyrights of the contribution to the Society of Ethnobotanists.

The communicating author of the paper will receive pdf of their printed paper through e-mail.   

The processing charges for 6 pages will be INR 1500. Additional pages will be charged INR 200 per pages.

Manuscripts not conforming to journal’s style will be summarily rejected.

Disclaimer: “Society of Ethnobotanists make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information included in this volume. But, the opinions and views expressed in the journal, Ethnobotany are those of the author(s) and not endorsed by the SEB.”

Updated on 05.03.2023