Founded on 26th Nov. 1980
(Registered under societies Act. No. XXI of 1860)
Rules and Regulations of the Society (With Amendment upto 1994)
Name: The Society shall be called the ‘Society of Ethnobotanists’.
Address: The office of the Society will be located at the address of Secretary.
Presently it is located in CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute, Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow-226001 (India)
(EMBLEM of SEB – THEME: Interface between Old and New World) Legend: Outer Circle Clockwise from bottom: Swastika, Ficus leaf, Estd. 1980 (Soc. Ethnobot.) Ipomoea flower, Bauhinia leaf, Amanita (Soma), Name of Society, Papaver fruit (Poppy), Aegle Leaf, Cannabis Leaf, Inside Circle: Environment: Mountain, River, A Nicobarese hut (India), A Mikir girl spinning bark fibre (India), A Barasana Shaman under influence of Caapi (Colombia, South America)
Aims and objectives: The main aims and objectives of tne society are:
- To promote the cause of ‘Ethnobotany’ and related sciences in all aspects and manners.
- To encourage collation and preservation of information through folklore and ancient resources about various uses of plants for posterity and to integrate researches in interdisciplinary fields like Phytochemistry, Pharmacognosy, Pharmacology, Traditional Systems of Medicine, Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, etc.
- To create awareness about the dwindling resources from natural environment and vanishing ethnobotanical/folklore data.
- To procure funds for meeting the above objectives.
Activities: The Society shall attempt to fulfil the above objectives by publishing Journal, Newsletter, Directory and other Special Books, and by organizing programmes like Symposia, Seminars, Workshops, Training Courses, National and International Conferencs, etc.
Membership: Membership shall be open to all persons interested in Ethnobotany and allied disciplines and in furthering the aims and objectives of the Society.
Class of Members: There shall be following kinds of members.
- Honorary Fellow: Designated by Executive Council.
- Ordinary Member:
- Life Member:
- Institutional Member:
Membership of the Society (SEB): The society registered Life Members from India and abroad as well as the Annual Membership each year.
Membership Fee:
Life Member: Rs. 5000/- US $ 350 (once)
Ordinary Member: Rs. 500/- US $ 60 (per year)
Institutional Member: Rs. 600/- US $ 60 (per year)
For Journal: to be sent to Publishers
The Annual subscription shall be due on the 1st Day of each Calander year and shall be paid in advance to the Treasurer, SEB. The membership can be paid by Demand Draft, RTGS or online payment.
The Executive Council can revise the rates of subscription with prior notice to all members of the society.
Privileges of Members:
All members of the Society shall have the following privileges:
1. To attend General Body meeting of the Society.
2. To receive a copy of Journal gratis and other publications of the Society at concessional rates.
3. To hold any office of the Society on being duly elected there to provided they become Life Members of the Society.
4. To have voting rights in the event of election to fill the vacancy in the office of Society.
5. To have the right of communicating the research papers/articles for publication in the Journal of the Society.
Ceasation of Membership:
- A member may, for whatsoever reason, withdraw from the society by signifying his/her wish to do so in a letter addressed to the Society. The Society, however, shall not be liable to return any fee that may have been paid by the member in advance.
- When a member has ceased to pay subscription within prescribed dates he will automatically cease to be a member of the society.
Finances: The subscription and all other funds of the society shall be kept in the Nationalized Bank/Banks in the name of the society. The Accounts of the society shall be operated under joint signature of the Secretary and Treasurer. The Accounts of the society shall be audited annually by Auditor (s) to be nominated/appointed by the Executive Council. The Calendar year shall be the financial year of the society. The Auditor (s) report shall be circulated to all members.
Management: All affairs of the society shall be carried out by an Executive Council and an Editorial Board. All life members of the society will be eligible for election to Executive Council and Editorial Board.
The Executive Council shall consist of:
- President
- Immediate Past President
- Vice Presidents (Four)
- Secretary
- Joint Secretary
- Treasurer
- Members (9) (including 2 coopted members; one of these will be immediate past Secretary).
The Editorial Board shall consist of:
- Chief Editor
- Editor
- Managing Editor
- Members (9) (including 2 coopted members; Out of these immediate past Secretary & Treasurer will also be represented).
1-20 Members Advisory Editorial Board (Nominated by E.C. & E.B.).
For the facility of day to day functioning of the society, the Secretary, Treasurer, President or Vice President, Chief Editor and Managing Editor shall be elected from members at the headquarters of the society.
A midterm vacancy in E.C. and E.B. shall be filled for the residual term through nomination by remaining members of E.C.
Elections: Elections to the any office of the society shall be held in a General Body meeting or through circulation. The following procedure shall be adopted:
- The Outgoing E.C. shall elect the President. One Vice President, Chief Editor, Editor and the Managing Editor.
- The outgoing President and Secretary shall continue to be member of E.C. for the following term.
- The outgoing E.C. shall nominate/propose one member for the post of Secretary, Treasurer and 7 Members of E.C. and 9 members of Editorial Board for circulation among bonafide members of the Society.
- At the same time, the outgoing Secretary shall invite the nomination for each aforesaid post from the members who are entitled to vote.
- Each nomination (other than that from the E.C.) shall be signed by proposer and a seconded and accompanied by a written consent of the nominee.
- A list of names proposed by E.C. together with the nominations if any received from the members shall be circulated to members for voting in General Body meeting or through post.
- A majority shall elect. In case of tie, the President will decide by his right.
- All office- bearers shall eligible for re-election.
- All elections to the office shall be reported at the General Body meeting as well as through circulation to all members.
Term of Office-Bearers: The members of executive Council and Editorial Board shall hold the office for a period of three years. They shall be eligible for re-election but for not more than two consecutive terms to the same post. The E.C. and E.B. shall continue in office until the new committee has taken over.
Meetings and Quorum: The Executive Council and Editorial Board shall meet periodically for managing the affairs of the society. The General Body meeting shall be convened by the Secretary within a period of one to three years or any time on a written request of two third of the total members or shall be held at such date, time and place as E.C. May decide. Four (4) Members of the E.C. present in person shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the E.C. and nine members shall constitute a quorum at General Body meeting. (The example of Indian Science Congress Association where total membership is said to be over 5000, the quorum is met by 51 members only). The meeting of Executive Council/General Body shall be presided by the President or Vice President or by any member of E.C. present at the meeting and chosen for the purpose by the members present at the meeting.
Amendments to the Rules and the Regulations of the Society: The Executive Council shall be empowered to recommend, amend, after, extend or delete any of the objects or rules and regulations of the Society. This has to be passed by 20% members through circulations or three-fourth of the members present at the General Body meeting. A copy of such approved and passed amendments shall be filed with the Registrar of societies.
Declaration: The above is a copy of the Rules and Regulation (Revised) of the ‘Society of Ethno-botanists’, certified by the Executive Council as true copy filled with the Registrar of Societies, U. P., Lucknow.
Eventuality of dissolution of the Society: The Executive Council of the Society passed the following resolution on 6th July, 1994 in connection with the eventuality of Dissolution of the Society: A General Body Meeting of the Society shall have the power to dissolve the Society by a 3/5 majority provided that at least 15 days notice of such dissolution is given to all members of the society. The society shall be dissolved forthwith or at the time then agreed upon and all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of the property of the society, its claims and liabilities, according to the rules of the Society applicable thereto. If on the winding up or dissolution of the Society there shall remain after full satisfaction all all its liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be dealt with as provided in section 13 and 14 of the Act.
Acknowledgments: Inputs from Drs SK Srivastava, AK Goel, Vijay Wagh, Manjusha Srivastava, Mangesh Dagwal, Brijlal, RLS Sikarwar, Harish Singh, Harish Chander Dutt and VN Jha in the development of SEB website are duly acknowledged. The website is designed and developed by Dr. Jibankumar Singh Khuraijam.